Digital Advocacy #DEVPOLHACK 2022 – Belgrade



In September 2022, Helvetas Eastern and Southeastern Europe Advocacy Network in collaboration with ACT, hosted the Regional Advocacy Network Meeting in Belgrade, bringing together passionate individuals and organizations committed to driving positive change in the region. Among the workshop’s events was the #DevPolHackBelgrade, a collaborative space where participants tackled a real challenge using co-creation and innovative thinking. Practitioners from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Switzerland, The Netherlands, and Austria co-designed solutions responding to the challenges of the partnership between citizens and government on service delivery! In addition, cases of Digital Advocacy from Albania, Kosovo, and North Macedonia feed the learning about designing Digital Advocacy Campaigns. Take some time to hear how Bistra and Christina (our two external co-facilitators) who described the inituive experience of digital advocacy journey in visulas and the opening speech of  Matthias Herr, Director of the Eastern Europe unit. 

Day 1: 

Day 2 and 3:

A discussion with activists and development actors such as Melina Papageorgiou Trippolini, Head of Governance Domain and Regional Advisor, SDC Serbia,  Biljana Dakic Djordjevic, Executive Director, TRAG Foundation, Mina Aleksic, Head of Association “Prostor” took place about the present and future of digital advocacy. We raised a number of questions and draw answers we would like to share with you.

All WSh materials you can access in the following link: Day1_Introduction_Slides NEWNEW.pptx and Digital Advocacy Day 1 & 2.pdf.

The Regional Event concluded with the planning of the next year 2023.