Library / Blog

Bridging the Gap: How Civil Society and the Private Sector are Shaping the Future of Advocacy

Beyond the Policy Cycle: Advocacy in Places With Restricted Space

Advocating for a world where peace encompasses more than the mere absence of war!

Push and Pull Factors of Labor Migration

Global ShareWeek – the Regional Advocacy Network shared the Prototype of the #DevPolHack web platform

Mainstreaming Climate Change: Showcase the Green Future

Greening the Western Balkans

Cities for Green Agenda

Empower Your Advocacy: Using Digital Tools to Drive Lasting Change

Advocacy for Climate Change Matters: We Can and We Should

The Power of Bottom-Up Advocacy: Driving Change from the Grassroots

Freelancing: A Popular Career Pathway that Needs More Policy Support

Responding to Advocacy Challenges by Acting as a Knowledge Broker

Power of Togetherness in Advocacy Work: Leading and Acting for an Antisexist Media

All that Glitters is not Gold in Advocacy

Navigating Opportunities: role of development actors on Advocating for Performance-Based Systems  

Leadership as a Structure: What Drives the Success of Influential Leaders in Advocacy?

Strengthening Municipal Council’s Authority through Advocacy: Association of Albanian Regional Councils Case Study 

Advocating in a Polarized Political Environment 

Empower Your Advocacy: Unleashing the Power of Digital Tools for Lasting Change 

Making Your Advocacy Happen: How to Use a Theory of Change or Future Story for Your Advocacy 

Policy Influencing and Systemic Change – a step by step approach (Kolonja Case) 

Choose the Right Method: Use of Social Media and Technology for Advocacy 

Become a member of Helvetas Regional Advocacy Network!

Join Helvetas Regional Advocacy Network and become an integral part of our transformative journey in the Western Balkans. As a member, you will become part of a passionate and dedicated community focused on promoting advocacy and effective policymaking. Engage with like-minded individuals from diverse sectors, including the private sector, governments, academia, civil society, educators, and interest groups.

Through regular exchanges, you will have the opportunity to explore successful solutions implemented in Helvetas projects, benefitting from best practices and addressing region-specific challenges. Together, we can create lasting change and foster sustainable development in the Western Balkans. Join us now and be a driving force for positive impact. Advocacy works!