Join us for exciting webinars hosted by our Regional Advocacy Network! These enriching online events empower individuals and organizations across different regions to drive meaningful change in our communities. Explore topics like community organizing, policy advocacy, coalition-building, grassroots mobilization, and effective communication strategies. 

Connect with like-minded individuals, learn from esteemed speakers and experts, and gain practical tools to make a tangible impact in your region. Be part of our mission to create stronger, more resilient, and inclusive communities.

Join our webinars now and be a force for regional advocacy!

How to do public advocacy in restricted spaces?

Push and Pull Policy Factors of Labor Mobility

Climate Change Advocacy
Mainstreaming Webinar

Advocacy through
the European Human Rights System
(Switzerland, Albania)

Advocacy TALKS
Advocacy and Effective Policymaking
on Gender Equality and Anti sexism
(Albania / North Macedonia)

Advocacy TALKS
Advocating for the Interest of Freelancers
(Bosnia and Hercegovina,
North Macedonia, Moldova)

Advocacy TALKS
Networking for advocacy role
of membership associations!
(Moldova, Albania, North Macedonia)

Advocacy TALKS
Climate change matters
(Switzerland, Western Balkan)

Advocacy TALKS
Use other people‘s power to move forward

Make change happen from "below"
(Serbia, Kyrgystan)

The Use of Social Media & Technology​
(Albania, North Macedonia)

Regional Advocacy Webinar Western Balkans
(Kosovo, Albania)

Perfomance-Based System (Switzerland, Western Balkan)

Kick-off Webinar​
Exchange on Performance-Based Systems​

Incentives in performance-based systems​
Regional exchange on Performance-Based Systems​

Incentives in performance-based systems​
Regional exchange on Performance-Based Systems​

​Bringing performance-based systems into the partner country system
Regional exchange on Performance-Based Systems​

Role of citizen’s, civil society and private sector​
Regional exchange on Performance-Based Systems​

Become a member of Helvetas Regional Advocacy Network!

Join Helvetas Regional Advocacy Network and become an integral part of our transformative journey in the Western Balkans. As a member, you will become part of a passionate and dedicated community focused on promoting advocacy and effective policymaking. Engage with like-minded individuals from diverse sectors, including the private sector, governments, academia, civil society, educators, and interest groups.

Through regular exchanges, you will have the opportunity to explore successful solutions implemented in Helvetas projects, benefitting from best practices and addressing region-specific challenges. Together, we can create lasting change and foster sustainable development in the Western Balkans. Join us now and be a driving force for positive impact. Advocacy works!