ACT addresses the challenges of civil society activism in Serbia by:
Providing Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) with tailor-made support to improve their organisational management and financial sustainability, strengthen their constituency base and networking capacities.
The project works to provide more employment opportunities for young women and men in Albania, aged 15-29, in a socially inclusive and sustainable way, through interventions in main pillars like: Job Demand, Skills Supply, Career guidance & Intermediation, Gender & Social inclusion
The main objective of the project is to contribute towards a more gainful employment of youth (ages 15 – 29), including vulnerable groups, in a socially inclusive and sustainable way.
This project aims to benefit the people of Albania at the local level from citizen-oriented municipalities and from the improvement of waste management and preschool education system services.
This project aims to benefit the people of Albania at the local level from citizen-oriented municipalities and from the improvement of waste management and preschool education system services.